I've had these flowers sitting on our dining room table since Valentine's Day. They dried in their vase while the petals were repeatedly knocked off and I just kept telling myself "You need to take pictures of these flowers - and soon - or there will be nothing but stems left". So, on a wonderfully sunny day I set the vase on the floor of our front doorway, to maximize using the light coming through the side panes around the door, & proceeded to lay on the tile floor to try my best to photograph the flowers with the right angle of light and the perfect grouping of flowers. As I twisted and turned the vase, I returned to this trio of flowers almost perfectly lined up with the purples framing the yellow/pink rose.
While doing this, all I kept thinking was: If a neighbor decides to come to my front door, they probably will panic & think I am passed out by the door. Luckily, no one visited the house but I did come away from this session with a lovely knot on my head from when I hit the door stop while trying to angle myself for the "perfect shot".