The good news is - Boston did not disappoint. I fell in love and it was very difficult convincing me to leave.
We were lucky and got to meet up with my cousin and her two sons one of the days we were there. I couldn't remember having visited an aquarium before, so we hit up the New England Aquarium to spend some quality time together. I had a lot of fun getting pictures. I hope you enjoy them as well!
I have picked my personal favorites, but if you'd like to see them all, head on over to my NEW portfolio website (yup - a NEW one) where you can also see all of the pictures without watermarking. The intention is this will contain my entire portfolio. I will keep my Etsy account as well, but this provides a much more visually appealing way to see my current and past photos. It's still a work in progress - so if you spy any dead-ends or anything seems wonky, feel free to let me know ( Plus, keep checking back as I will be continually adding new photos (or oldies but goodies).